HNPP · Physical Health

Where to access all HNPP research papers



There have been some great developments in the world of HNPP, with the most recent being a website dedicated to all research papers related to the condition.

For those who want an easier way to explore scientific publications on HNPP, behold the website HNPP Research, compiled by a fellow sufferer, who happens to be a both a software developer with experience in the medical research field.

Speaking about the website, the creator has said: “It’s not for beginners, but if you are curious to dive deeper into the scientific side I hope this will be a helpful resource.

“There are over 500 studies and I learned a lot about the underlying causes by reading the articles. You can also search on topics of interest like “pain” to see what the latest studies say.”

On the site itself, he has asked other researchers support open access journals, sharing pre-print versions with a patient support group such as HNPP and CMT / Neuropathy Support and HNPP Help.

Please visit the website here for further information.

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